Wildman always used to say that people do not laugh enough. There are no truer words ever spoken!
The phrase “Denial is not a river in Egypt” is a play on words, using the homophone “Denial” for “the Nile,” which is a well-known river in Egypt. The phrase humorously highlights the psychological defense mechanism where someone refuses to accept reality or facts. It is no surprise this play on words would be uttered in my direction by the other side. Goodness gracious, what a great belly laugh I received from that as I thought to myself, “well are they not just the epitome of the queer little bird!”
All poking aside, were you aware that according to the American Psychological Association a strong majority (82%) of the population in America were worried that people may be basing their values and opinions on false or inaccurate information? Obviously, no surprise here seeing we have been living through the evolution of America where the systematically weakened mindset has created a political climate chuck full of ‘feelings’ and ‘emotional discord’. Suppose it simply took this long for the majority of the population to come to terms with the ideological extremism to which originally were treated as a ‘fad’ of the times.
For so many, it seems to have taken a good long while to pull their heads out from their own day-to-day events to even want to admit what was actually happening to the American population and accept the facts and reality. Only then, can the tides turn back from this age of pandering to the discord and emotional extremism that plagues our country.
November is the month of being thankful, family, togetherness, prosperity, right?
Behind the veils of false pretenses of ‘live and let live’ there are those local business owners, attorneys, developers, city capacity position type officials, downtown development groups and organizations who all continue their backroom smoke and mirrors schemes to rid the town of The Wildman’s Shop and property on Main St. The self-proclaimed champions for what they believe is good and betterment of the city and the people. We suppose in all fairness, good and betterment are relative terms, are they not?
The Emergency lawsuit filed against us (us, meaning Wildmam Marjorie) back in August was a failure, as mentioned in a previous blog post. “They” prepared a re-write complete with added embellishments and filed their second lawsuit against us at the first part of November- complete with a Summons to Answer within 30 days of being served. What a great way to work together, show appreciation and thankfulness…yah, right.
The tactics run wide and deep. Come hell or high water, they want what they want when they want it. To hell with and God help anyone who stands in their way. There are no levels of low they will not stoop to achieve their agenda. Welcome to the continued ‘new and improved Kennesaw’ where bulldozing the old and forcing people out of their Constitutional Rights is the way to make the city Atlanta 2.0. {choking noise}.
The portrayed heartless villainous thieving Wildmam Marjorie, how dare she not concede to their demands! Gosh, with all the energy they put into attacking, threatening, intimidating, slandering and defaming her since Wildman passed in January 2022, how dare she not concede and bend to their will!
They are very proficient with slanderous and malicious attacks on others. All their Mommas’ must be so proud! For everyone’s reading pleasure they went back to the public eye and presented this to their ‘reporter buddy’ at a local newspaper; to create and publish on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 2024 in the Marietta Daily Journal the BIG NEWS. The ‘article’ {choke; laugh} title reads: “Sister, Store Manager Battle Over Wildman’s Estate”. This ‘article’ comes complete with the victimized sweet old lady who wants justice done and more! Can you just not contain yourself?! How exciting is this!
So, here we are continuing the defense of not only the Wildman and his legacy but also life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Defending the actual truth with justice, honor and integrity all the while surrounded by the snakes in the grass and wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing. Welcome to Kennesaw, home of the smiling village Idiots. Realistically, we all know this type of ‘legal’ manipulation and backdoor schemes is not just a City of Kennesaw thing. However, it has been and is happening here. But then, as Wildman used to say, ‘What can I do? I’m only hourly’.
Well folks, it is October already. Boy, time has flown by. This year the shop has been busy with its creation and presentation of the exclusive First Issue serial numbered .999 Silver Commemorative Round in honor of General Dent Myers. Seems everyone enjoyed that as we completely sold out within a month. For those of you that missed the first round, we are planning to have a second issue serial number run made. Please contact us if you would like to pre-save/pre-order a second issue commemorative round, we would not want you to miss getting your hands on one.
We defeated the Emergency Injunction and Restraining Order which was created and fostered by the local ‘crazy daisies’. They seem to have crawled back under their proverbial rocks for now. QUICK! Someone Gorilla glue those rocks down before they crawl back out! Or, just simply Bless them, I suppose as they really need it.
We have also created and started distributing the first ever long-sleeve Wildman’s shirts! As we reach into some cooler months, we can’t wait to see you flaunting these soft long sleeve Ts. We appreciate everyone showing their support and helping us show the town we are here to stay!
There have been some additional inventory updates and changes – so be sure you come by to see what new things we have for you. As you all know, not everything we have is on the website for purchase, you just have to come on in to explore and dig in. Of course, you can always do the ‘ole timey’ telephone call or email should you be looking for something specific.
In addition to visiting WILDMAN’S and DEERCREEK GUN SHOP in downtown Kennesaw; check out the other events and goings on while you are here:
October 5th please join the Historic Preservation Committee Cemetery Clean Up efforts. Check it out here:
October 12 through the 19th you may wish participate in one of the Tales From the Rails Tours:
October 19this the Fall-O-Ween Fest at Swift Cantrell Park from 3pm till 7pm. For further details
October 25th encourages you to come on down town and experience the local Candy Crawl:
October 25 through 27th is the annual Life in the Cemetery Tour. Try it, you may like it!
In addition, there are child friendly ‘scarecrows’ up and down Main St for your ogling pleasure. For the adults, however, visit our favorite local distillery – Lazy Guy Distillery and start stocking up for those Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings!
That is all we have for now, stay tuned as you never know what may pop up next.
Like Father like Daughter – Lest We Forget – The Background!
20+ years ago, downtown Kennesaw received the business (es) owned/ran by the Eaton clan. Their self-proclaimed exalted status has been that of an unwavering stance. How ‘lucky’ are we to exist in the presence of the mighty Eatons? Wonder, if you dare, to step out from this fantasy version of their reality and see the humor in this joke.
To exist within the tentacles of division, discord, and contempt fostered and nurtured among townspeople and local businesses; all in the name of “progress”. The apparent slow and methodical poisoning of the minds started long before Mr. Myers passed, and unlike what we have been led to believe by the current regime, didn’t start with Wildman’s. Like placing a frog in a pot of water, lighting the fire, to slowly boil the water and cook the frog. The frog has no idea it is being cooked.
Following is a copy of the Letter to the Editor, published in the Northside News back in January of 2004 along with Mr. “Wildman” Myers’ response:
Over the years, “Doc” Eaton was joined by his offspring, Cris (short for Christina) Eaton Welsh, in their quest to rid the town of the ‘scourge’ they deemed as Wildman’s.
Cris Eaton Welsh, also a Chiropractor, joined the practice, got herself appointed to the City Council only to later step down from the position (allegedly in part due to her inability to pay her own business and property taxes). The Eaton’s did a bang-up job of spinning their real reasons for stepping down from the city council, using “Wildman’s” as their high and mighty cause. Chris, with the same reverence, arrogance, and what can only be described as a heightened version of the air of superiority sported by her father, has taken the reins for their ‘town scourge’ ridding shenanigans.
Being somewhat refreshed with the back ground, you may indeed enjoy the humorous side to all this.
As you know, our beloved “Wildman” passed away back in January of 2022. His sister, Janice Bagwell, who has been working together with two ‘frien-enemies’ of Wildman’s, Brian P Dalton and Jim Cornell, connected with Cris Eaton Welsh and her clan. Brian P Dalton was kind enough to draft and send a lie filled email to the mayor of Kennesaw. He has also claimed to be Janice’s POA holder. Jim Cornell went all out and made a public announcement during a council meeting boasting all sorts of fabricated nonsense. Mary Miller, in addition to sending letters to places like the NAACP and such, made many public statements to the Mayor and Council as well. Erika Orcutt local Kennesaw attorney who assisted Cris Eaton Welsh in getting her Dagny Taggard Holdings LLC registered to perhaps help Chris “hide” her building on Main Street that she boasted about selling on social media due to Wildman’s re-opening. This same lawyer walked into this shop representing Janice Bagwell and demanded that everything be signed over to Bagwell – also said attorney claiming she never represented Chris Welsh. Yes, that was Bagwell’s first face to face attempt in taking her brother’s assets – despite my continuous communication in trying to work together with her. And of course, Chris Welsh – we have all seen the hate and slander spread from her in various forms across the internet. One can only imagine the volume of excitement on the part of the ‘Pitchfork Posse’ to have landed what they believed to be their golden goose – someone after Dent’s money that would be willing to sell everything and shut it down.
Bagwell appeared to be very disgruntled over the fact that her brother’s ‘estate/trust’ not only did not belong to her but that it was neither left nor given to her. She was not a beneficiary of anything other than a life insurance policy, to which she even seemed disgruntled about the amount she received from his life insurance payout. Seems Ms. Bagwell may have spent way too much time, like the Eatons’, counting their chickens before they hatched. No wonder their union was a match made in {you decide}.
Two and a half years of harassment, intimidation, death threats, actual physical attacks (yes, tried to catch me on fire in the shop), social media, public postings, web sites, blogs, legal proceedings; anything and everything to slander, maline, discredit, and destroy that which they deemed inferior and obtainable. All this to fulfill their expectation and dreams of shutting down Wildman’s, selling his property, and claiming credit for finally ridding the town of the ‘scourge’ to “Make A Better Kennesaw” and, oh yes, “Make Kennesaw Welcoming” on Facebook (yeah right). Not sure how the Pitchfork Posse’s hate, disdain, intolerance to all that does not align with them, and erasing history would make any town better, let along welcoming.
The latest attack being the Emergency Injunction and Restraining Order law suit they filed in Superior Court on August 22nd, 2024. Notice was issued on the 23rd stating both parties were to present their case to court on August 26,2024. Blinded by their self-indulgent fantasy of riches and shutting down the “scourge”, they simply refused to accept Dent’s wishes and continued to ignore reality.
Now, keep in mind, they had not notified myself nor my attorney, based on their notion of this being an “ex parte emergency”. Bagwell, with her posse consisting of Chris Eaton Welsh, Mary Miller and Brian Dalton of Kennesaw were seated with her on the bench in the courtroom of Superior Court. To their dismay, I walked into that court room with my attorney. Suffice it to say, the Judge denied their ex parte “emergency” and advised we all return on September 6th for a proper hearing of the case. Hence our post that the shop would be closed today for court.
Well low and behold (seems someone came to their senses) as the next word I hear is they filed a voluntary dismissal! Still have yet to see that filed with the Court, but the judge was sure to file their DENIED ex parte motion due to it not being an emergency. All this really makes you wonder, who is the real “scourge of Kennesaw” is-could it be that ‘neighbor just a few hundred feet south’ of here?
The grab for money and holding hands with the enemy is what Mr. Myers expected would happen. Perhaps this is why he left his family nothing more than the responsibility to do as he wished?
He worked diligently to build and grow his business, to share information, real history, not the ‘PC’ version used to indoctrinate the public and teach in the school system. He was his own unique self and operated to the beat of his own drum, not on the shirt and coat tails of others. As Dent stated 20 years ago, “Thank you very much for the free adverse (?) publicity”. We could have really done without the death threats, wasting of the City of Kennesaw resources and fake Business Profile Reviews.
We ask that each one of you help us continue Dent’s legacy by spreading the truth, despite what “politically correct” individuals have to say about it. We will preserve what little bit is left in the historical district in Kennesaw, not tear it down.
We continue to follow Dent’s directive and are nothing but honored and proud to be chosen by Dent himself for this journey.
We will continue to speak the truth- not just the version they agree with. And we will not allow the past and our history to be erased or forgotten – as we are all living the proof of what happens when history repeats itself. TOOT! TOOT!
I spent my entire childhood at Wildman’s Civil War Surplus. Every summer and school break was spent with Dent at the shop. Many of my business skills today come from my childhood there – and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. Let’s be real, he didn’t spend much time away from his shop, but I have wonderful memories of him showing up in his “PT”, “Father” or “Kitt” for Holiday meals. There wasn’t a Holiday, Birthday or big life event that Dent wasn’t a part of, and that is something I am eternally grateful for.
All his vehicles had names, and come to think of it, all his statues and anything of sentimental value had a nickname. People he didn’t trust were snakes (it was one of the few things Dent genuinely despised). His house, the shop, Mom, Dad, my brother and myself all had nicknames. When I was finally able to introduce my kids to Dent, it took no more than a few minutes for those girls to melt his heart. They were blessed with their very own nicknames as well. They painted pictures for him, sent him handmade birthday cards and cherished him as much as he cherished them. Dent is our family, despite what anyone else has to say about it.
As a kid, my nicknames evolved. Each phase of life, our inside jokes, me thinking I was too cool for all the adults around me – Dent would just update and add to the collection of names for me. It was and is a true honor and blessing to be one of the people to have been genuinely loved by Dent.
He taught me at a young age to listen carefully and remember not everything is as it seems. Now, with the persistent chaos since his passing, there is nothing truer. I constantly hear him say, remember, not everything is as it seems. Dent knew who his true family was, and he loved us unconditionally. There is a reason Mom was called “Marj in charge”, there is a reason she is his “Wildmaam” and a reason that he spent at least my entire life ensuring she was groomed and ready to carry on for him when he passed.
For those that are on the side of shutting his shop down, know this. His blood-family were all called their government names, they weren’t recognized with anything more than his sister, blood looking for a handout or snakes. At least that is what he told me and ensured I knew in the handful of times his blood relatives came around.
That has proven true to this day, as it appears some people have decided to make up some “facts” in an attempt to close the shop while ignoring Dent’s wishes and intentions at any cost. All I can say about that is, Bless Their Hearts. I pray that they get the wake up call they need and actually honor Dent and his wishes, or at the very least stop sending the “pitchforks” after those of us that are honoring and following Dent’s directives.
Denial of the desirability of something after one has found out that it cannot be reached or acquired. “The losers’ scorn for the award is pure sour grapes.”
A putting down or expression of disdain about something that one desires but cannot have.
Disparagement of something that is unattainable.
As many are aware, the attacks on the shop and myself have been relentlessly ongoing since Wildman’s passing back in January of 2022. But this vendetta has not just started now – certain townsfolks have been out to get Wildman’s for over twenty years. Seems ‘they’ simply cannot help themselves as they continue using any means possible to obtain information which they believe will remove the shop and myself from Kennesaw. Well, let me just say, “Bless their Hearts”, some more.
I decided to share for your reading pleasure (?), the most recent inquiry, in which most of the second and third round of questions stem directly from those that have a disdain for the shop and its contents. For those of you who have followed all the nonsense ‘they’ have publicly posted all over the internet, Reddit, F/B, NextDoor, and probably many other online media outlets, you may see the humor in this.
Some questions I have received from a “freelance/novice” writer working on a “side project” are as follows:
“- How and when did you start working for Mr. Myers, and what was it like working at Wildman’s over the years? – What kinds of people visit Wildman’s and why? (ex. Where are they from, what are they looking for) – What’s the story behind Mr. Myers’ estate, and why is it being litigated? – Do you think anything can be done to change people’s perception of Wildman’s (for those who see it as having a negative impact on the city)? – How has Kennesaw changed since you’ve lived here (if at all)? – What kind of change, if any, do you want to see in Kennesaw in the next 5 years?”
Okay, ‘fair enough’ I thought – then came the next round….
“1. What led to your decision to reopen the store after Mr. Myers’ passing?
2. In a response from city attorney Mr. Bentley to your lawyer Mr. Stinson (dated May 11, 2022), Mr. Bentley said that since a new owner was listed on the application, Wildman’s would need to be treated as a new business entity. Did the city require a new application or documentation showing a change in ownership?
3. Has anyone approached you with offers to purchase the building since 2022?
4. What repairs/renovations were done in response to the flooding of Kennesaw Chiropractic’s offices (when it was still there)? I saw that it flooded but nothing about what updates were made.
5. What changes, if any, have been done to the contents of the store since 2022? For instance, I heard that the “scalps” and cotton ball displays are no longer there but am curious if that’s true. “
Anything we have said in the past two and half years has been regurgitated to misconstrue, misinterpret and/or simply cut and paste our words to suit their narrative, as many previous media outlets have done, here is the answer from yours truly.
“August 8, 2024
Good afternoon Ms. xxx, Thank you for your request for an interview and presenting your questions. I have read though them and while I can appreciate how thorough you are trying to be, I will not be speaking on many of the queries as it will not bring any resolution to the negative opinions, accusations and threats people have sent my way since his passing.
I will say this, working for Mr. Myers over the years has been an overall wonderfully fulfilling experience. It has also come with its own set of challenges due to the many hateful people in this World.
Throughout the years, Mr. Myers shielded not only me, but my family from the hateful people. He was someone that very few truly understood. As a person that knew him well, anyone would be lucky to call him a friend. He welcomed people to the shop from around the World – people who were genuinely excited and interested about history, the world, and just about all things in between. He showed compassion and an eagerness to learn that was contagious. Learning all that I have from him about life, history and friendship brought far more joy to my life than the hate and derision (not a typo) directed at not only myself but my family as well since his passing. I truly do not mind to be viewed as just that girl who works at Wildman’s to everyone else; for I know better. Dent is my friend and family above all else.
There are plenty of opinions on who he was, who I am and what people perceive me of being and doing. Although everyone is entitled to their opinions, it does not mean any of those opinions are true. I am not here to change people’s opinions, that is not my purpose nor my responsibility.
People do not want the truth for if they did, they would have to admit they made a mistake. For most, that is incomprehensible.
Thank you,
Marjorie Lyon”
To these sour grapes, their friends, Dent’s family (if the shoe fits), local townspeople with pitchforks – Wildman’s is here to stay.
Wildman’s started from a humble beginning and although our Wildman may not physically be here to stand out front, we are here- holding down the fort with no plans on leaving anytime soon.
We are presently making some upgrades to our website so it may be a bit ‘wonky’ until we get all the tweaks and kinks ironed out. Please be patient during this time and do visit often.