Like Father like Daughter – Lest We Forget – The Background!
20+ years ago, downtown Kennesaw received the business (es) owned/ran by the Eaton clan. Their self-proclaimed exalted status has been that of an unwavering stance. How ‘lucky’ are we to exist in the presence of the mighty Eatons? Wonder, if you dare, to step out from this fantasy version of their reality and see the humor in this joke.
To exist within the tentacles of division, discord, and contempt fostered and nurtured among townspeople and local businesses; all in the name of “progress”. The apparent slow and methodical poisoning of the minds started long before Mr. Myers passed, and unlike what we have been led to believe by the current regime, didn’t start with Wildman’s. Like placing a frog in a pot of water, lighting the fire, to slowly boil the water and cook the frog. The frog has no idea it is being cooked.
Following is a copy of the Letter to the Editor, published in the Northside News back in January of 2004 along with Mr. “Wildman” Myers’ response:

Over the years, “Doc” Eaton was joined by his offspring, Cris (short for Christina) Eaton Welsh, in their quest to rid the town of the ‘scourge’ they deemed as Wildman’s.
Cris Eaton Welsh, also a Chiropractor, joined the practice, got herself appointed to the City Council only to later step down from the position (allegedly in part due to her inability to pay her own business and property taxes). The Eaton’s did a bang-up job of spinning their real reasons for stepping down from the city council, using “Wildman’s” as their high and mighty cause. Chris, with the same reverence, arrogance, and what can only be described as a heightened version of the air of superiority sported by her father, has taken the reins for their ‘town scourge’ ridding shenanigans.
Being somewhat refreshed with the back ground, you may indeed enjoy the humorous side to all this.
As you know, our beloved “Wildman” passed away back in January of 2022. His sister, Janice Bagwell, who has been working together with two ‘frien-enemies’ of Wildman’s, Brian P Dalton and Jim Cornell, connected with Cris Eaton Welsh and her clan. Brian P Dalton was kind enough to draft and send a lie filled email to the mayor of Kennesaw. He has also claimed to be Janice’s POA holder. Jim Cornell went all out and made a public announcement during a council meeting boasting all sorts of fabricated nonsense. Mary Miller, in addition to sending letters to places like the NAACP and such, made many public statements to the Mayor and Council as well. Erika Orcutt local Kennesaw attorney who assisted Cris Eaton Welsh in getting her Dagny Taggard Holdings LLC registered to perhaps help Chris “hide” her building on Main Street that she boasted about selling on social media due to Wildman’s re-opening. This same lawyer walked into this shop representing Janice Bagwell and demanded that everything be signed over to Bagwell – also said attorney claiming she never represented Chris Welsh. Yes, that was Bagwell’s first face to face attempt in taking her brother’s assets – despite my continuous communication in trying to work together with her. And of course, Chris Welsh – we have all seen the hate and slander spread from her in various forms across the internet. One can only imagine the volume of excitement on the part of the ‘Pitchfork Posse’ to have landed what they believed to be their golden goose – someone after Dent’s money that would be willing to sell everything and shut it down.
Bagwell appeared to be very disgruntled over the fact that her brother’s ‘estate/trust’ not only did not belong to her but that it was neither left nor given to her. She was not a beneficiary of anything other than a life insurance policy, to which she even seemed disgruntled about the amount she received from his life insurance payout. Seems Ms. Bagwell may have spent way too much time, like the Eatons’, counting their chickens before they hatched. No wonder their union was a match made in {you decide}.
Two and a half years of harassment, intimidation, death threats, actual physical attacks (yes, tried to catch me on fire in the shop), social media, public postings, web sites, blogs, legal proceedings; anything and everything to slander, maline, discredit, and destroy that which they deemed inferior and obtainable. All this to fulfill their expectation and dreams of shutting down Wildman’s, selling his property, and claiming credit for finally ridding the town of the ‘scourge’ to “Make A Better Kennesaw” and, oh yes, “Make Kennesaw Welcoming” on Facebook (yeah right). Not sure how the Pitchfork Posse’s hate, disdain, intolerance to all that does not align with them, and erasing history would make any town better, let along welcoming.
The latest attack being the Emergency Injunction and Restraining Order law suit they filed in Superior Court on August 22nd, 2024. Notice was issued on the 23rd stating both parties were to present their case to court on August 26,2024. Blinded by their self-indulgent fantasy of riches and shutting down the “scourge”, they simply refused to accept Dent’s wishes and continued to ignore reality.
Now, keep in mind, they had not notified myself nor my attorney, based on their notion of this being an “ex parte emergency”. Bagwell, with her posse consisting of Chris Eaton Welsh, Mary Miller and Brian Dalton of Kennesaw were seated with her on the bench in the courtroom of Superior Court. To their dismay, I walked into that court room with my attorney. Suffice it to say, the Judge denied their ex parte “emergency” and advised we all return on September 6th for a proper hearing of the case. Hence our post that the shop would be closed today for court.
Well low and behold (seems someone came to their senses) as the next word I hear is they filed a voluntary dismissal! Still have yet to see that filed with the Court, but the judge was sure to file their DENIED ex parte motion due to it not being an emergency. All this really makes you wonder, who is the real “scourge of Kennesaw” is-could it be that ‘neighbor just a few hundred feet south’ of here?
The grab for money and holding hands with the enemy is what Mr. Myers expected would happen. Perhaps this is why he left his family nothing more than the responsibility to do as he wished?
He worked diligently to build and grow his business, to share information, real history, not the ‘PC’ version used to indoctrinate the public and teach in the school system. He was his own unique self and operated to the beat of his own drum, not on the shirt and coat tails of others. As Dent stated 20 years ago, “Thank you very much for the free adverse (?) publicity”. We could have really done without the death threats, wasting of the City of Kennesaw resources and fake Business Profile Reviews.
We ask that each one of you help us continue Dent’s legacy by spreading the truth, despite what “politically correct” individuals have to say about it. We will preserve what little bit is left in the historical district in Kennesaw, not tear it down.
We continue to follow Dent’s directive and are nothing but honored and proud to be chosen by Dent himself for this journey.
We will continue to speak the truth- not just the version they agree with. And we will not allow the past and our history to be erased or forgotten – as we are all living the proof of what happens when history repeats itself. TOOT! TOOT!

Thanks for the update.
I am enthusiastically in favor of any and all allies of the truth.
It is a shame that no men of any courage exist to defend one of the very last holdouts against the destruction of history and the abandonment of our fathers and their sacrifices.